Venice Transport Card

(13612 Reviews)

About this activity

Smartphone tickets accepted

Wheelchair accessible
This activity has EXCELLENT reviews
Confirmation is immediate
£15 £14
No hidden fees
  • Your booking is confirmed instantly

Experience Highlights

Get around the beautiful city of Venice with this transport card. With this experience you can use the vaporetto, public water transport, and buses to get around the city. Choose from options of 75 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours or up to 7 days. Remember that once you activate the ticket, the validity of the ticket will last according to the option you choose.

With this single ticket, you will be able to move freely around Venice. Some of the most emblematic places of this city are the Doge's Palace, St. Mark's Basilica or the Bridge of Sighs. Bus transport to and from the airport is also included in the experience (one way).

  • You don't miss the opportunity to explore Venice with this transport card, which gives you unlimited use of the vaporetto and buses.
  • Choose from different duration options to get around the city: 75-minute tickets, 24-hour tickets, 48-hour tickets, 72-hour tickets and even 7-day tickets.
  • See the beautiful city of canals and some of its most important sights such as the Doge's Palace or St. Mark's Basilica.

What’s included

  • Venice Transport Card
  • Different transport options: 75 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, or 7 days.
  • Bus to/from airport (one way)

Select date

Step by Step

Discover one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Venice, with this transport card. With this single ticket, you can visit the highlights of the city at your leisure: the Doge's Palace, the Bridge of Sighs, St. Mark's Basilica and much more. This card also includes the bus to and from the airport, in one direction only, whichever you prefer.

This experience allows you to choose between several ticket options according to your preferences: 75-minute, 24-hour, 48-hour, 72-hour and up to 7-day cards. From the first use, the validity of the card will be activated, and the card will end according to the time option chosen. Enjoy a comfortable ride on buses or vaporetto, the city's public water transport.

Using the vaporetto is one of the most efficient and recommended ways to get around Venice. Due to the peculiar layout of Venice, this means of public transport is a great advantage for getting around. Originally steam-powered, but now there are modern models, which do not generate as much swell.

Travelling along the traditional canals, you will be able to contemplate the urban panorama from a privileged and comfortable perspective. Passing under the Rialto Bridge or seeing the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute will be some of the experiences you will have with this activity. Depending on how much time you have, you can purchase a transport card with more or less validity time.


· 13612 Reviews
  • A
    Alan Palmer
    (0 Reviews)
    Info and signage could be better, but once you find your way, the system works very well
  • A
    Areti Bellou
    (0 Reviews)
    Easy and useful.
  • j
    james kay
    (0 Reviews)
    We purchased our tickets ahead and thought that we would scan the QR supplied in the machines this was not the case so a helpful hint to you is go to a yellow ticket machine they are everywhere click on select collect purchased tickets and put your pin number into the machine and your tickets are released the pin code you need is the small number under the QR code definitely worth purchasing it saves alot if money and time queuing
  • J
    Joanne Noble
    (0 Reviews)
    It's simpler than it looks. Also both lines visit the same places but on is quicker so you can't get too lost! There's a night one too for the early/late traveller.
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